
SC Conference

Activities: Tutorials
Days: All

Tutorials(12) Sunday Nov, 16

Time Title Room
08:30AM-05:00PM S03: Interoperable Mesh and Geometry Tools for Advanced Petascale Simulation TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM S02: Application Supercomputing and the Many-Core Paradigm Shift TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM S01: Parallel Computing 101 TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM S04: Parallel I/O in Practice TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM S05: A Practical Approach to Performance Analysis and Modeling of Large-scale Systems TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM S06: Introduction to Scientific Workflow Management TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM S07: Introduction to Chapel: The Cascade High-productivity Language TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM S08: A Hands-on Introduction to OpenMP TBD
08:30AM-12:00PM S09: Principles and Practice of Experimental Performance Measurement and Analysis of Applications on Parallel Systems TBD
08:30AM-12:00PM S10: InfiniBand and 10-Gigabit Ethernet for Dummies TBD
01:30PM-05:00PM S11: Designing High-End Computing Systems with InfiniBand and 10-Gigabit Ethernet TBD
01:30PM-05:00PM S12: Analyzing the Performance of Parallel Applications with Open|SpeedShop TBD

Tutorials(13) Monday Nov, 17

Time Title Room
08:30AM-05:00PM M04: Programming using the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Model TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM M05: Hybrid Parallel Programming and Multi-Core Optimization on the Ranger Supercomputer TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM M03: Large Scale Visualization with ParaView TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM M02: High Performance Computing with CUDA TBD
08:30AM-12:00PM M08: Configuring and Deploying GridFTP for Managing Data Movement in Grid/HPC Environments TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM M07: Debugging Parallel and Distributed Applications TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM M06: Productive Performance Engineering of Petascale Applications with POINT TBD
08:30AM-12:00PM M09: Hybrid MPI and OpenMP Parallel Programming TBD
08:30AM-12:00PM M10: HPC with Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008: A Programmer's Perspective TBD
08:30AM-05:00PM M01: Advanced MPI TBD
01:30PM-05:00PM M13: A Tutorial on Sound and Music Computing TBD
01:30PM-05:00PM M11: Enhancing e-Infrastructures with Advanced Technical Computing: Parallel MATLAB on the Grid TBD
01:30PM-05:00PM M12: Using and Understanding Parallel NFS (NFSv4.1) TBD
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