• Overview• Conference Reception• Papers• Tutorials• Invited Speakers• Masterworks• Panels• Posters• Workshops• Birds-of-a-Feather• Doctoral Showcase• Awards• Gordon Bell Prize• Disruptive Technologies• Challenges• Technology Thrusts


Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions have been a staple of SC conferences since they were still called Supercomputing conferences. SC08 continues this tradition with a full schedule of exciting, informal, interactive sessions devoted to special topics, including

  • Systems (e.g. Ranger, Roadrunner), Product Lines (e.g. BlueGene, Altix, Cell), and Architectures (e.g. clusters, grids)
  • Software Packages (e.g. MPICH, OSCAR, PBS, Rocks, TotalView)
  • Lists and Competitions (e.g. Top500, Green 500, HPC Challenge)
  • Languages and Programming Models (e.g. OpenMP, MPI, PGAS)
  • Government Initiatives and Groups (e.g. NITRD, grant policy, NSF HECURA)
  • Future of HPC (e.g. pathways to the future, trends)

In addition, there are many other specialized topics, from fault tolerance to parallel I/O. With 54 BOFs (selected from over 100 submission) over the course of 3 days, there is sure to be something of interest for everyone.

BOFs meet every day at 12:15-1:15 and 5:30-7:00. Follow the link at the top of the page for a full list of activities.

Questions: bofs@info.supercomputing.org

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